Burn the Ships (2017) | director, producer, editor

A year in the life of the Akron Racers, Burn the Ships tells the story of women's pro softball and its struggle to find security in behalf of those who have sacrificed for its future.

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A More Civil War (2017) | writer, editor

As the GOP prepares to nominate one of the most controversial presidential candidates in history, activists, journalists and political operatives confront America's divided sociopolitical landscape at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

Watch on Vimeo

Big Max (2016) | writer, editor

Max, a morbidly obese individual, decides to go vegan for 30 days when challenged by his health-conscious friend. Despite his doctor’s warnings, health is of no concern to Max, who insists his weight is the result of happiness and fulfillment. Those closest to him fear this is not the case, however, and hope that this month will save his life.

Watch on Amazon, iTunes or Google Play

King Me (2010) | editor

A quirky cast of characters looks on as a South African township resident attempts to change his life by becoming the World Champion of Checkers.

Watch on Amazon or iTunes